We are better together.  We are more alike than we are different.  We all know how important it is to care for ourselves, live our truth, nurture our essence – so why do so many of us keep putting ourselves aside?  Whether it is focusing on children or mates, working frenetically, or practicing self-forgetting – I see you with that chocolate bar and bottle of chardonnay.  Are you with us in feeling that sometimes, it is just too much trouble to do it all yourself?  Why is it so hard to implement change, even when we know it is in our best interest?  Well, first of all, it takes tremendous discipline to not only change a habit, but to then remain constant in our efforts at forming a healthier one.  When we start to shift a deeply rooted pattern, our survival instincts kick in – even when we are changing a habit that no longer serves us.  The truth is, our overworking, overeating, over worrying, and in general over doing has somehow helped us survive in the past.  And yet, looking ahead to the day or month or year, we find our enthusiasm is waning, our feet are tired, and our hearts are emptied of a zest for life.  I can assure you there is a way to turn this around.  And you can do so before you find yourselves lashed in the traces and unable to change course.  Stay tuned for further ideas and inspirations to help you begin to grow the life you’ve always longed for, and become the composed woman you feel so capable of being.